Super Early Bird rate ends in 3 days
 - Get your ticket now before prices go up!
22nd & 23rd April 2026 in Hamburg
22nd & 23rd April 2026 in Hamburg Contact: or +49 40 537 99 1132

Frank Seeger

Frank Seeger

Frank Seeger

Baugenossenschaft dhu

Frank Seeger has been on the board of a housing cooperative in Hamburg for over 20 years and has successfully implemented numerous construction and modernisation projects. He has strategically orientated his cooperative towards the climate path, founded a painting company and introduced the topic of self-billing. With his cooperative and participative management style at eye level, he designs sustainable housing concepts and contributes his wide-ranging interests to the development of the cooperative.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Proptech Summit:

Frank Seeger and many more register for the Proptech Summit now!