Ingeborg Esser
GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen
Ingeborg Esser is the CEO and vice president of the GdW Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Enterprises. She has been working for the GdW since 1993. Esser graduated as a Diplom-Kauffrau (business studies degree) and acquired academic qualifications as Steuerberaterin [licensed tax advisor in public practice] and Wirtschaftsprüferin [German public auditor]. Esser has also been a board member of the auditing/tax consulting firm GdW Revision AG (plc) since 2000. Since 2017, she is chair of the strategy group of the business initiative Smart Living. Moreover, Esser is chair of the real estate technical committee at the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, Incorporated Association (IDW).