Super Early Bird rate ends in 3 days
 - Get your ticket now before prices go up!
22nd & 23rd April 2026 in Hamburg
22nd & 23rd April 2026 in Hamburg Contact: or +49 40 537 99 1132

Taris Gran

Taris Gran

Taris Gran


Taris Gran began her career at GOLDBECK in construction management, where she acquired valuable experience in executing a variety of large-scale projects. Her passion for innovation led her to GOLDBECK Technologies, where she managed the development of a LEAN Construction App and implemented digital takt planning and control on GOLDBECK's construction sites. Currently, Taris leads the Construction Consulting subunit, which is dedicated to creating digital tools and strategies to enhance the efficiency and data-driven nature of construction processes. Taris is excited to participate in the construction summit and looks forward to engaging in inspiring discussions and presentations.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Proptech Summit:

Taris Gran and many more register for the Proptech Summit now!